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According to Manish Chokhani, the current Indian environment is neither like 1991 nor 2003, but it is a seminal moment as the country has moved to right of centre in terms of economic policymaking is the transcript of Ramesh Damani, Samir Arora and Manish Chokhani interview with Latha Venkatesh on CNBC TV18.

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Canada Goose Parka Damani: We are firmly on a bull market grip, bull market, like I have often mentioned the Japanese bull market lasted 25 years. We do not know how this will last but all the portents are good. Let me take you through the key data points. Globally interest rates in India are going to go down, inflation is going to come down, growth is going to accelerate whereas globally interest rates are headed higher, inflation is they are trying to get it higher and growth is anemic everywhere in the world except India and we are now floating on a global liquidity of oil cheap oil price is one of the greatest beneficiaries that India will have. So the portents are extremely good plus we have a new government in Delhi that is enthused with the power of change, power of new ideas. So I would be optimistic not just Diwali but perhaps for the next few Diwalis. Canada Goose Parka

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Damani: That is always difficult to say. The trick in the bull market is to see how low it can go, not to worry about the high. The highs can be 50 percent, can be 25 percent. It doesn matter. In the context of a bull market we know the index can go up double, triple. So we are looking at that from a base of 17,000 18,000. Index can go fairly high. The thing is that it should not have more than 10 percent correction perhaps in my view.

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Arora: Global environment for India will be very positive, particularly in the last few weeks where cynics were thinking that Mr. Modi will only do this and no more. We had always bet it on the point that Mr. Modi, if you are betting on him, you have to bet for six months and start getting nervous in the seventh and eight month, but with all the new initiatives he has taken, which according to me were well expected, by reasonably clued in individual into the Indian markets but this reinforcement of the fact that this is beyond just the global environment. Global environment is very conducive canada goose outlet shop but the big picture is that foreigners have still not invested enough in India or taken an active enough bet this year.

This year foreign flows into India are lower than what they were last year. In absolute we are up USD 13 14 billion in terms of FII flows into equity and last year were more like USD 19 20 billion and this is after a big event which was well telegraphed and still people refused to believe. So, the foreign flows into India are nothing but in addition now we believe that we have turned the corner in terms of Indian sentiment also. So, I think the rally is big and is going to be canada goose factory outlet long term but do not box three of us in as to whether it will be in this Diwali 30 percent or 20 percent. It will be big overall and for long duration of time, beyond a point doesn matter whether everything happens in the next three months or in the next six months or even in the next one year.

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Damani: If you have read an interview with Arvind Mayaram who recently became the Tourism Secretary from the Finance Ministry, he said if you are expecting from divestment to privatisation, if you are expecting removal of capital control, that is not going to happen. The government has already set its priorities out, which are smart cities, the Delhi Bombay corridor, GST, labour reforms at the state level, etc. I think the market will be disappointed if they are looking for this canada goose outlet uk big overarching intellectual reforms. There will be more incremental reforms and they will be more focused on governance but it is enough to take the market through to a very prosperous Samavat 2071.

I think we just looked through those verticals, there are ample opportunities of growth and the environment as Manish points out is so benign to India. Our moment is not to compare us to 1991 or 2003 but to compare us to Japan of 1964. A third world country in the next 25 years became a first world country member of the G5 nation, it survived the crash of the Dow and still went on and made new highs, the index went up from 1,000 to 40,000. So we are on a similar trajectory, I am not suggesting 40X move canada goose outlet store uk in the index for sure but I am suggesting a similar trajectory. If luck canada goose outlet holds canada goose outlet online us in good state and we continue canada goose outlet parka to get good economic policies, we will see a long multi year old market which will significantly change the face of this country. It is not about making money on Dalal Street, it is about changing this country. I think there is a real tangible possibility that 25 years from now canada goose black friday sale India will be a far different country than it is today.

Q: Don look for policies, policies are there but get them implemented is perhaps what Mr Modi is talking about and clearly, the fact that he began by speaking about cleanliness that clearly indicates that he has got his heart in the right place.

Damani: How could you not support that.

Q: Will you be looking for anything by way of reforms from this government? What will you be looking for? What have you seen of it now that gives you the optimism that you expressed when you began speaking?

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So our first bet always was that Mr Modi because of his track record in Gujarat by the way since 1947 Mr Modi is the first Prime Minister to have had a job before he became Prime Minister which was somewhat leading to having a P I don mean in that way that way Mr Rajiv Gandhi was a pilot but broadly somebody who ran his own P for 9 10 years and therefore knew governance and administration and how to deal with bureaucracy and other groups and things like that and not be an economist or a freedom fighter or a politician or a stuff like that. So that is the first thing, but even the government has benefitted from policies that were started by the previous government.

I think the most bullish thing in future, even if you just implement it properly but don do new reforms, is UID because the amount of subsidies that have been diverted whether it is scholarships to people, whether it is midday meal, all of them can be controlled if you use your fingerprints to see whether that is the right person and whether the kid is going to school before you give midday meal, subsidy for him and things like that. So many of the even previous government policies because they will come fruition in this government.

canada goose black friday sale I think Mr Modi is a real leader to bring up things in a national independence day speech that na mein khaunga na khane dunga where everybody in those kind of speeches say how great we are as a nation, how we have been born with greatness to bring up such hard hitting problems that we are a dirty nation knowing that this problem cannot be solved in five years and therefore people will say, oh, he just says it, he cannot deliver it but to even bring up such things which people don bring up because they are embarrassed and also because they know that this is a long term solution that will be there, it cannot be done in two years. That is goose outlet canada why I think that if canada goose outlet sale you bet on some things, you have to bet on everything. canada goose black friday sale

That is what I canada goose jacket outlet say to the Indian investor, if you believe that nothing has changed, stay out but I don think that they can say that this is the same country as it was a year ago but if they still want canada goose outlet reviews to be cynical, it is okay, foreigners will pick up the slack.

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Chokhani: The IIP represents a lot of manufacturing manufacturing as you know will take its time to turnaround and you had this period where you had the monsoon scare then you had the whole coal sector getting back into a mess so it is difficult for people to announce new projects.

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