She casually asked my dad if it was safe and he was so fed up

Man ‘trying to take selfie’ with bear gets mauled to death

Back in the 70s when my dad was a teacher and had summers off, he packed up the family, 4 kids and a dog, and drove across the country to attend a family reunion in Ohio. Visions of the movie Vacation come to mind, but instead of going to Wally World we hit as many National Parks as we could. Grand Canyon, Canada Goose sale Zion, Mount Rushmore and yes, we stopped at Wall Drug.Anyway, we are driving through Yellowstone and spot a single Bison laying in the grass about 100 yards off the road. My dad stops the Suburban and we all get out. Seeing us stop, five more cars stop and we all head out in knee deep grass. There is about twenty five us out there standing around this Bison, about twenty feet away, when all of a sudden in leans to the left, then rolls to the right and is up on its feet before you could say “hey I think he is getting up”. Everyone froze for a moment and then canadian goose jacket it was like the starting gun for the hundred yard dash rang out. Everyone ran at the same time and it was bedlam. Children were running and falling down in the thick grass, women were screaming buy canada goose jacket and fathers were outrunning there families. Every man for himself. After about 50 yards, I began to jog then stopped and turned around to see this magnificent beast just standing there, in its original location, watching twenty five people run for their lives. canada goose uk outlet I couldn help but think he was snickering to himself inside. As a kid I remember continually being shocked by the stupidity of grownups around me.I never forget one tourist who asked a ranger where they keep the bears hahaha.One of the worst times I remember, my dad actually talked this lady through backing out of a really scary situation with cheap Canada Goose a bear that she got super close to for a Canada Goose Online picture (like OP video).I have another memory of a huge group of people freaking out over some cubs in a tree not realizing they were buy canada goose jacket cheap getting in the middle of the Canada Goose Coats On Sale cubs and the mama bear that was roaming around below the tree. The mama bear was terrified and pissed but none of the people in the group seemed to notice. Some rangers finally showed up and made people move, but as a kid I was so worried wondering what was about to go down. Most of all, I was totally dumfounded that all these adults were being so careless. uk canada goose If you think about a selfie you usually turn your back to the thing in the selfie with you. Turning you back to a predator is a big no no. Predators see this as an oppertunity to attack canada goose black friday sale or chase. You never run canada goose coats on sale from predator animals that can outrun you easily. You stand your ground and back away slowly. You look big and be loud. This will show the predator you aren some easy prey and are prepared to fight.In fact bears will try to get you to run. They do fake charges where they are trying to get you to turn your back to them and run. The second isnt. He had one horrible customer in Africa who refused to take the bus to the next location and insisted on taking a plane. So he and canada goose outlet the other guide had to drive her to the airport and this meant going through a park. They had to stop the car for some reason and this lady just popped on out and started strolling around.She casually asked my dad if it was safe and he was so fed up with her that he just went s it perfectly safe to wander around a game park. Why don you just stroll on down to that river? didn Canada Goose Outlet pick up on the sarcasm and ended up runnimg into a crocodile.All the information people get nowadays comes in the form of youtube, posts on social media and movies.They grow up seeing Disney characters interact with animals as if the sole purpose Canada Goose online of wildlife is to aid humans. They watch an Youtube video where some trained canada goose factory sale biologist is hanging out with a pack uk canada goose outlet of grey wolves canada goose uk black friday or cuddling with a lion, or a video of a guy wrestling with a trained bear, and assume the same scenario would play out IRL if they approached a wild animal.I can count how many f ing times I had to yell at people that tried to pet wolverines, badgers and even a 19 year old something from trying to hug a black bear (shot my gun in the air to scare the bear because the retard was dead set on doing it). One day she looked outside and saw my sister little dog, my nieces and nephew, and a couple neighbour kids plus her son playing outside together. Tag while the dog ran around excited. My sister dog was like 17lbs. dachshund looking mutt dog.This lady ran out of her house screaming and stomped on the dog. The dog whipped around and bit her on the ankle.She called animal control and they came out. Took my sister aside and told her that technically they supposed to take and put down dogs that bite people. But sometimes it feels wrong. I see them on the street in front of my house canada goose clearance sniffing my garbage, I see them on the golf course, they are everywhere. If you leave them alone and give them space, they will leave you alone.It always astonishes me how stupid people who aren familiar with them can be. I once visited a campground near Toronto (very few bears in the area) and there was a bear at the campground and the police were called by one of the employees. When the police arrived, one of them discussed wanting to find it so he could fight it and take it down. canada goose coats I talked to him and quickly realized he had never seen a bear before and had no idea how large and fast they are.

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